Learning Supports - 7th Grade

Grade Checks and Missing Work Completion
Typing Web Assignments
Test Taking Skills & Practice​​​​  
Gateway to Technology

Classroom Activities:

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7th Grade Science - 

Each quarter we will explore a different aspect of science.

1st Quarter - ​​
​​ A Balanced Biosphere
2nd Quarter - Matter Matters
3rd Quarter - Mimicking Natures Design
4th Quarter - Saving the Andes​​​

Gateway to Technology: 

7th Grade​ students will work on the principles of engineering through design as well as computer science principles using microbit.org

8th grade students will explore automation and robotics as well as green architecture and sustainable buildings.  ​​
Activities & Clubs

- North High School Freshman Volleyball coach
- FTC Coach and Mentor at Sudlow Intermediate
-Model Teacher for Davenport Schools
- CTT Guide
- Athletic Director at Sudlow Intermediate
- Student Council Advisor​